Lose Your Illusion

You are NOT incomplete.

James Leroy Wilson
1 min readJun 6, 2022

Welcome to Daily Miracles, a running commentary on the 365 lessons of A Course in Miracles, an influential spiritual text from the 1970s. I am James Leroy Wilson and I invite you to join me as I go through this material for the first time.


Today’s Review Lessons:

(95) I am one Self, united with my Creator. (ACIM, W-113.1:1)

(96) Salvation comes from my one Self. (ACIM, W-113.2:1)

When I went through the lessons the first time, I struggled with them. Now, however, I see the message of wholeness. I am whole. You are whole. Because each of us is one with our creator, we are everything.

The sense of incompleteness or imperfection, the sense that we need “salvation,” comes from the illusion that we are separate from the Creator. All we need to do is lose the illusion and we experience the Oneness which needs no salvation.

James Leroy Wilson writes Daily Miracles, The Daily Bible Chapter, JL Cells, and The MVP Chase. Thanks for your subscriptions and support!

(Photo credit: Ivoronwik)



James Leroy Wilson

Former activist. Writer with a range of interests from spirituality to sports.